With over 40 yrs of combined experience in corporate America, the nonprofit sector and entrepreneurship, we are passionate about assisting with the strategic growth of innovative nonprofit organizations, entrepreneurial businesses and startups.
As grateful entrepreneurs ourselves (who have done it the wrong way before we learned how to do it the right way), we understand the frustration that can come with hard work and feeling like the output doesn't justify or equal the effort and time being invested. Sometimes it's not the marketing or the product that is the issue (sometimes it is!), but rather the processes and plans in place for supporting the business.
What's not working right in your organization? What project or piece of the process and puzzle is causing you to miss results ? Do you know? Need help figuring it out? We can help.
Below is a list of some of the projects and tasks we find most impactful in organizations and therefore enjoy teaming up to solve.
Organizations thrive when people and processes work well together, but we are well, people, so we know that doesn't always happen... there's always a way to get (back) on track, and the process doesn't have to be expensive, time intensive or too uncomfortable. It will require thinking and doing differently, but that's worth it when the result is the change we want.
Team Approach
Conflict resolution (Rule 31 General/Civil Mediator Trained)
Conflict is a natural part of life. It brings about change and can inspire excellence. Different viewpoints and creative solutions can be a mutually beneficial outcome when the pursuit is collaborative, long-lasting resolution. Our tools and teachings empower your team to work together and enjoy the process.
Partnership Coaching
Judith has over 13+ years experience of having a business partner and after many needlessly painful years of disagreements and disappointments at the process, came up with a way to mine the beauty of each partner's role and reduce the impact being two unique people can be on decision making.
Team building
Are strong personality types impacting the results of the entire organization? We can help.
Productivity analysis
Are there positions or processes in place that aren't benefitting the organization? Processes are the magic in a business and not having them at all, or having broken ones in place, can make *the* difference in the success or failure of a business. Let's take a look at what stories the processes in your organization are telling.
Skills analysis
Is there a position or skill set you're missing? Would diverting some skills or talents in another direction be a better move? Is there a person you need to find out there, but are having a hard time coming up with how to describe it or contain it within one role?
Business / Strategic Planning
Business & /or operation plans / Client onboarding systems / Client systems management (back-end) / Creating and updating workflows / systems
You have an idea or process, but aren't quite sure how to manage all the moving pieces now that it seems to have taken on a life of its own?
Project Management
This service is especially valuable for executive leadership and freelancers who need something strategic accomplished with diligence and excellence for their business, but don't have the capacity to do it themselves.
Evaluating & defining processes for enhanced operations and profits
Customer Service & Operations
Service standards
Over delivering on service will revolutionize your business
Performance measurements
Identifying what you need from your team and what's worth measuring (and what's not!)
Monthly Webinars and Workshops
➝We regularly host online webinars and/or on site workshops with themed topics, tailored to a mindset tool or specific demographic. Click here to let us know you'd like to join the email list where we announce available participation options first.
Some of the ways we provide the above mentioned services are below and can include “all team” style meetings, multi-site locations, multiple events in a one day / multiple day time set-up and/or web meetings.
Presentations (Lunch & Learn, Afternoon Facts & Snacks, etc.)
Interactive Workshops
Organizational Coaching Subscription (monthly recurring, on call/ ad hoc)
Most people (and the businesses they make up!) don't fail by making overt mistakes. They fail because they don't take action.